Last Sunday night we had an American group visiting with us here in Merida. When groups come to visit, we always try to expose them to as much as the ministry as possible. Some groups are able to be more involved than others; nevertheless, almost ALL groups help with some special project. This previous group was no exception.
They were all senior citizens from Keystone Heights, Florida and hardly spoke ANY Spanish. To top it all off, they come without a host and managed to rent a van while here for transportation! I was really impressed with their gumption!

Anyway, we had a youth rally Sunday evening in a local park near our church. We played volley ball, Jeff delivered a salvation message, and then we ate pizza. There were 8 new visitors and almost 40 in attendance! All in all, it was a great success and the teens seemed to enjoy it.
Thanks to all of Keystone Height's great people for all of their help in making the event a large success!
Targeting the Youth of Central America,
Jeff, Elisabeth, TnT Carney