Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Holiday Blessings

Does God answer "trivial" things?

It had been so hot here for days in the Yucatan, and we had been (fervently) praying for cooler weather so that we could feel a little more festive for the holidays. About a week before Christmas a cold...very COLD, "norte" blew in over the Peninsula and we have NEVER had a cooler Christmas season!

This year, in particular, both Tori and Tyler really wanted to celebrate the holiday with BOTH sets of grandparents. Well, after they had prayed for quite some time, we received a phone call from my parents (Jeff's already live here) stating that they were coming down to celebrate the holidays with us here in Mexico!

Last but not least...since November, we have been praying for a (great) new home for our dog, Cosmo. After praying for several weeks, God led us to a wonderful family who has adopted him into their home...where he sleeps every night in the bed with his new family-something he NEVER did at our place!

So, yes, God does answer what others might deem "trivial"...but also, He has been busy answering "big stuff" as well in our lives.

Finally, after 7+ years, the church has finally been able to purchase a property and begin its very FIRST BUILDING project!!! We have bought and then had to sell properties, because of loop-holes in the laws that prohibited La Peninsular from building a church property. However, God has allowed us to buy where we have been renting and now can add on to & expand what has already been built and "approved" of by the officials.

It's amazing how God takes such a great interest in our lives and our requests!

Happy 2010 and may your eyes been opened even wider to the amazing God that has created us!

1 comment:

murphypatrick75 said...

Jeff and Elizabeth glad to see all is going well there in Mexico. Our lives are not easy but when we go through those valleys God is there to help us through. Jeff you have a lovely family and I'm proud of you and how your serving God. Did you ever contact our church? Please stop by on your way to Pa. sometime, we would love to have you....Pat