August is the month of
birthdays in our home.
birthdays in our home.
Victoria celebrated her 7th birthday, Tyler turned 5 and Jeff...well, let's just say that I want to stay happily married.
Therefore, I will not be divulging his age! With so many birthdays, home school, ministry, and just life in general it seems like this month has been a whirl wind of activities. Nevertheless, everyone enjoyed their own special day, complete with decorations, the meal of their choice and their own birthday cake...I am so tired of making cake th
is month!
Therefore, I will not be divulging his age! With so many birthdays, home school, ministry, and just life in general it seems like this month has been a whirl wind of activities. Nevertheless, everyone enjoyed their own special day, complete with decorations, the meal of their choice and their own birthday cake...I am so tired of making cake th

Thanks for the phone calls, the birthday gifts and all of the cards. We are so thankful for wonderful families and friends.
Until next August....
The Party Animals!
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