We've seen Samuel, the young man who made a decision for Christ, grow and mature in the Lord with his weekly Bible studies. He's never missed one...so far! As a matter of fact, he was baptized this last Sunday.
For the past several months we've been encouraging a young couple, Humberto and Marina, to come along side of us and help us with the youth. Well, this coming Sunday evening they've committed to helping us with our teen program. They didn't say how much they would be willing to commit too; however, they are willing to at least "see" what it's all about on the 14th! Please be in prayer that God will continue to work in young couple's hearts regarding youth work.
Because of the rains that we've been receiving, Jeff's weekly soccer matches have been put on indefinite hold. Nevertheless, last Tuesday (his "official" soccer day of the week) the sky was clear and he headed over to the courts with little hope of a decent group due to the inconsistencies of the rain. Much to his surprise, he said there were at least 30 or more present ready to play...many of them being un-churched, local community kids!

We've been averaging a solid, core group of 15 or so. What's so special about these kids is that they are coming on their own to church (we don't pick them up or take them home), they are paying for their activities, and many of them are coming without their parents. They're at church because they WANT to be there! We are still working with them to be consistent with daily Bible reading and prayer. They have a long way to go...but we are seeing them slowly mature. Several of them are involved in positions of leadership in the church as well. It's exciting to see God at work in their lives.
The changing colors of our ministry are bright and captivating! Please continue to keep us in your prayers this fall season.
The Carney Clan
Merida, Mexico
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