Saturday, August 16, 2008

Swim Classes

Victoria and Tyler have been taking swim lessons for close to 4 months now and have done really well. Tyler has no fear to run and jump into the water (not sure if that's really a "good thing") and swim to the side of the pool; while Tori has been spending the last several classes perfecting her dive. Next week will be the end of their classes and there will be a competition where they will be performing with other children.
We'll try to enclose a few snapshot from their competitions next week; however, with my track record on keeping the blog updated, I thought it would be prudent to go ahead and post these two for you today!

Tori is 8!

Yesterday was Victoria's 8th birthday!

Obviously, it was a much awaited event
in our household. She woke up before sunrise and was waiting on us to "get the show on road".
Mom and Dad C (Nana and Papa) were able to come and celebrate her "party" at our house and at her request, we made (Argentine) milenesas, and "pure de papa". She had a strawberry ice cream cake (with my mom's help) and then grand event of the day...HER PRESENTS! She had a great day and appreciated all of the phone calls and emails/e cards that she received. Thank you for remembering our Tori on her special day. We've posted a few pictures of our growing 8 year old.
Enjoy them...

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Tyler turns 6!

Last Saturday Tyler (finally) celebrated his 6th birthday! For the past several weeks, all that we've been hearing from him is, "Is it my birthday yet?" He was so excited when the "big day" finally arrived.

Originally, we had planned to have a joint party for both Tori and Tyler; however, the children are currently at that stage where they fight over everything. In regrads to a birthday party, Tyler said no girls could come to "his part of the party" and Tori said that she would tease and annoy any of Tyler's "amigos" that happened to come to the party. After listening to days of teasing/fighting over it, I took action and said, "No party for either one of you". ( I know, you're thinking what a mean mom I am, but YOU were not hearing all the bickering for days on end....) Anyway, that settled any problems and I've promised them (if they can be mature enough to get along with both sexes) then next year they can have a joint party to celebrate their special days.

This year Tyler chose to eat out at a pizza place and then Mom and Dad Carney came to our house for birthday cake and presents. All in all, I think he had a great day. To those of you who called to wish him happy birthday, thank you!

Enjoy our new six year old Tyler!

Carney Updates...all at once

Have you ever noticed how slowly time went by for us when we were children? I can remember waiting "FOREVER" for my birthday, recesses, summer breaks, holiday seasons, etc...Time seemed to slowly drag its feet. However, now that I'm older (I won't say how much!) it goes by so fast that I actually wonder where the weeks, months and years have gone! Is that crazy or what?

After receiving several replies for an updated blog, (You know who you are!) I decided to go online and see when the last update took place... and wound up checking it twice! I could hardly believe that it's been 4 (very short) months since I last sent out an update!! I apologize and greatly appreciate you kindly "reminding" me to update our blogger. I have tried to include the "highlights" from the past several months along with pictures.

So, to those of you that have been waiting for the Carney Clan's's to you!

Vacation Bible School

At the end of July, the church had their summer VBS. However, this time they met in the homes of various church members . The members that hosted the VBS clubs were responsible for the children in their perspective neighborhoods.
We have never before had a VBS in people's homes; nevertheless, it seemed to be a successful venture.

Mom Carney organized all of the ladies responsible for hosting the clubs in their homes and all of their team was a tough job! Anyway, all of the hard work paid off at the end of the week and we were able to see great results. Several children were saved and the members of the church really got involved and took their responsibility quite seriously.

Victoria and Tyler were excited to participate this year with their friends and were even able to bring a couple of visitors with them to the club. It was a great experience, in more than one way and I'm thankful that we were able to participate with the children this year.

Back To School

Well, even though it's "July" the kids are starting back up to school on the 3d week of the month. We are planning to have several "interruptions" throughout the school year and if we start a couple of weeks early, then we should still finish up right on time. Anyway, they're still too young to realize that they are supposed to be on summer break; so, I'm taking advantage of their innocence....

Please pray that Tori will do well in 2nd grade and that Tyler will do well in Kindergarten. Likewise that their teacher (me!) will have patience, wisdom and kindness to help them succeed this school year.

Family Vacations!

With everything that has been going on this summer, I never imagined that we'd be able to slip away for a few days and enjoy some quiet family time together.
Nevertheless, Jeff was able to take some time away from his studies, the youth house/ministry and everything else that he has going on and take us away for a small break.

It was wonderful!

What a blessing it was to have a few days to swim, play, make some memories and reconnect together as a family. We've enclosed a few of our favorite shots for you to enjoy. We hope that you enjoy seeing our memories as much as we have enjoyed living them!

Having fun in the sun,

The Carney Family

Fund Raiser-Baazar

Our first fundraiser was a HUGE success! Thank you for praying for us-we would have never had such a great day without you.

Because I was so busy, I regret to say that I didn't have much opportunity to take pictures
during the event. However, I did take some "before pictures" that I've posted for you. In the pictures, you can see the murals that we've had painted on the walls as well as the tables with the items we were able to sale.

As a result of the sale and also with the help of churches and individuals, we have been able to purchase a ping-pong table, TV, A/C unit, weight bench, Wii and a few games to go with the console, repair electrical work, paint additional murals on the walls, and do numerous small projects-plumbing, lights, etc. We still have a long, long way to go to complete the project. We would like to buy Christian books and curriculum for the library. For the game room, we'd love to see it furbished with a few small tables, board games, speakers, stereo system, etc. The weight room also needs few small things as well. Please continue to be in prayer and if you would like to get involved in this project, you can email us at or you can also contact our mission board, BIMI.

Once more, please keep us in your prayers-we need them.

Jeff & Elisabeth Carney

July-La Isla Part B

Well, it's taken us about a month but we are finally beginning to see a dream
come true in the form of "La Isla"!

I am not much of "manual labor" type girl, but Jeff had me helping him paint ceilings, "cutting in" and rolling walls in the teen house! (I feel like I could open my own painting business now...Jim Miller, look out-here I come!) On most days, the kids stayed busy squashing bugs for us while we worked in the house. Although Tori, Tyler and I only went over a few times for the big clean up projects, Jeff has pretty much been over there every day working most of the day. He's so committed to giving the youth a place of their own.

The house itself was very (VERY) rough... however, after weeks of scrubbing, painting, electrical work, de-roaching, plumbing, landscaping, planning, and cleaning, and painting, and cleaning, and painting (did I mention "cleaning" and painting??) the doors of La Isla are FINALLY opened to the public! We still have a long way to go, but we are thrilled to see things slowly falling into place.

As I mentioned in a previous blog update we have a vision for each room in the house; however, in order to see the house completed, it will take finances that we don't currently have in our budget. To help with these expenses, Jeff and I are organizing a large bazaar-yard sale. We have been collecting goodies for weeks and finally have it all organized, priced and ready to be sold. Please be in prayer as we attempt our first "big" fundraiser for youth house. We'll keep you posted on how it goes for us.

July 2008-Independence Day!

Finally, after two months, Mom and Dad Carney have returned to Mexico! We always miss them when they're gone and even more so when there is a state-side holiday.

So, on this 4th of July it was a
real treat for the kids to have their grandparents back "home" with them to celebrate the holiday.

I thought rather than telling you all about our celebration of America, I'd fall back on a familiar line..."A picture is worth a thousand words".

Enjoy the snap shots and happy holiday to you!

The Carney Family
Merida, Mexico

La Isla-Part A

God is so faithful to answer our prayers! For a little over a month now, we've been praying and asking God for a larger place for our youth group. Finally, we have the keys to an ENTIRE home that is literally right ACROSS the street from our church! It's amazing how quickly and sufficiently He as has answered our prayers. Thank you for interceding for us!
We have decided to name the house, "La Isla" (The Island) and our main goal is to meet 3 core needs in our youth's lives:
1.) Discipleship
2.) Develop solid friendships
3.) Physical fitness

Amazingly enough, the house is actually equipped with 4 main rooms! The largest room will be our meeting room. Then with the 3 smaller ones we would like to use....

Room #1: for the smaller youth (ages 11-14) so that we could finally divide our current youth group. Also, we would like to make that room into a library where the kids could borrow good Christian materials. Throughout the week we will use the room for discipleship lessons and Bible studies.

Room #2: Is where we'd like to set up a game room. We would love to buy a video game system, board games and maybe a ping-pong table for the kids to use as they make friends with each other. It also has a closet that goes about the length of the wall which will a great place for storage.

And finally, Room #3: Would be the room that we use for personal fitness. We would like to install a weight bench, free weights, pull-up bar, etc for the kids who are concerned about their image.

We truly believe that "La Isla" will give the youth a place where they can grow spiritually and also have good, clean fun. We know that God is going to us this house to change many young peoples lives for the best.

The house does need a lot of work (cleaning, painting, electrical, etc...) and I will look forward to posting pictures of it's renovation. Please, please keep us in your prayers as we seek to develop a new branch in the ministry that God has given us.

Targeting Youth,

Jeff, Elisabeth, and children

Teen House-June 2008

For over a year now, we've been meeting in an individual's house on Sunday evenings to have our youth outreach program. Because of the size of our group, we meet outside in their garden/patio area. Our kids are great about never complaining about the accommodations...even in the rainy season!

However, we have outgrown our space and we need to find another location within walking distance from the church. Please be in prayer with us that the Lord will provide another place where we can continue to grow and reach out to the youth in our area.

Targeting Youth in Central America,

The Jeff Carney Family

June 2008-Father's Day

Happy Father's Day

This year for Father's Day, the primary children in our church performed a skit abut Noah's ark. they memorized portions of Scripture and a song to go along with the theme. Tyler loved being a lion and although Tori was bashful about being a puppy dog, she too seemed to enjoy being a part of the program.

On this special day in June, I am once more reminded of how blessed I am to have a loving, godly father. ( I love you, Dad. Happy father's day!) Likewise, that God has also blessed my two children with a wonderful father in Jeff-I love you, Sweetheart! Thanks for being a fantastic dad to our children.

Happy Father's Day to all of the fathers who read our blogger.

Victoria, Elisabeth, and Tyler

May 2008

"April showers....spring May flowers..."

I don't know where you live, but here in the Yucatan, there are very little flowers in May! May is actually one of the hottest months of the year and we always cringe at the thought of its approach. Not only will our house be hot but also our schedules will be least that's what it will be if we are to stay on top of things summer!

Jeff's parents have taken off on a short furlough and while they are gone, we will continue to work with the youth and also (try to!) fill in for dad's absence. Jeff has gone back to school and is in a dual enrollment program and has been very busy with church, teens, school, and family. Nevertheless, this month we were able to take some time out of our "smoking" schedule and take the kids to the zoo. We thought you'd enjoy a few pictures from our family activity...