Because I was so busy, I regret to say that I didn't have much opportunity t

during the event. However, I did take some "before pictures" that I've posted for you. In the pictures, you can see the murals that we've had painted on the walls as well as the tables with the items we were able to sale.
As a result of the sale and also with the help of churches and individuals, we have been able to purchase a ping-pong table, TV, A/C unit, weight bench, Wii and a few games to go with the console, repair electrical work, paint additional murals on the walls, and do numerous small projects-plumbing, lights, etc. We still have a long, long way to go to complete the project. We would like to buy Christian books and curriculum for the library. For the game room, we'd love to see it furbished with a few small tables, board games, speakers, stereo system, etc. The weight room also needs few small things as well. Please continue to be in prayer and if you would like to get involved in this project, you can email us at

Once more, please keep us in your prayers-we need them.
Jeff & Elisabeth Carney
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