Saturday, December 15, 2007

Birthdays...and surgeons!

For those that don't know, my birthday is near the end of October. Although, I'm not officially a "Halloween baby", I still get a lot of teasing about being a ghoul or some other "flattering" creature. However, this year I really DID look like I could've been a candidate for Frankenstein's bride!

I had made an appointment with my dermatologist for what was supposed to be a simple consultation and wound up walking out from his office with stitches on my face and also my neck! (I'm still in the dark as to how it all transpired...let's just say that I'm definitely looking for a new doctor!) However, thank God, all the stitches have healed and only minimal scarring is left.

(For those left, I'm no longer a candidate for Frankenstine's bride...and
NO-I'm NOT saying how old I am this year

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