Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Hurricanes, Rain and Fruit

Have you ever heard of having a "dry spell" in the middle of a hurricane? We sure have and let me tell you all about it!

Thanks to hurricane Dean, our climate has been rainy, muggy, buggy, sticky, stinky, (well, I'm sure you've got the picture now) while our weather spiritually has been in a mini drought. We've been faithful, but just haven't been seeing great results...until recently! (It's amazing how much you appreciate your fruit when you haven't been seeing much of it.)

This past week a teen boy, Samuel, placed his faith in Jesus. On Monday, Eddi, a young man with whom Jeff had previously shared a salvation Bible study, finally accepted Jesus as his Saviour. Then it just keeps getting better....Oso, a young adult in our youth group asked us to pray about possibly being involved in full time Christian service! It's awesome to see God at work in lives here in the Yucatan.

James, one of Jeff's younger brothers has been staying with us for the past several weeks and has been a big encouragement to us. Likewise, he was present for both Bible studies given to the young men.

In our off time, we've taken him to see a local cenote (sink hole) (see picture above), tour a Mayan museum and "see" some pyramids...

Be sure to ask him about the presence of horses there in Dzibilchaltun and the guards on bikes. Hey, come to think of it, he even knows the best spots to change after swimming in the sink holes! LOL

Keep us in your prayers as we continue to keep the ministry going in Dad Carney's absence.

Targeting Youth in Central American,

The Jeff Carney family


Tabb said...

This is nice. Its the first time I've seen your blog. Where did you get this idea?

Anonymous said...

To: The Carney Clan

I would like to take time to comment about the young man in the blue shirt. What a hunk of love! Is there anything more I can say?

I do not know who he is, but I would definitely appreciate his name and number. Maybe even his e-mail.

From: A young, rich, attractive women who hates animals.