Because I'm blogging (approx) 1 year's worth of events under one month, I'm combining several months together...yes, I know you'd rather me keep the blog up-to-date on a monthly basis, but hey, haven't you ever heard of the saying, "Never look a gifted horse in the mouth"? Basically, be thankful for what you get! :)

o, let's March of this year, Jeff and I celebrated our 12th wedding anniversary! This year, rather than going away we opted to stay at home and visit a few local sights. Mom C. kept the kids for us and we had a great time together. I'm so thankful for the wonderful husband that God has given me.
I love you, Jeff! Thank you for being the love of my life and the best father our children could ever have!Easter, i

n April of this year, was a special treat for TnT. Since the Miller's have joined our team ministry this past November, TnT now have COUSINS to celebrate the holidays with! After our sunrise service at the church, we had breakfast on the grounds and then went over to Je

ff's sister's house to have an Easter meal and egg hunt for the kids. What a blessing to have family here...especially during the holidays!
Speaking of sister and her husband came to visit us shortly after the Easter holiday!! As always, we had a GREAT visit...but like
always, it was way
too short. I think that we wound up visiting a new cenote every day of

their trip-with the exception of Sunday. My brother-in-law LOVES the water and one of his favorite things to do here in Merida is to explore cenot

Needless to say, if you ever come for a visit and would like to know where the famous sinkholes of the Yucatan are located...just ask-we probably know most of them!
In May, we were able to finish up our 3rd year of homeschooling-yea-yea! This was the second year that I taught kindergarten and my first year at teaching 2nd grade. Both kids did really well and I was so proud of the efforts that they've made this past year. Now, only one more year of homeschooling to go....
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