This past March, Jeff and I celebrated 11 years of marriage! (It's hard to believe that it's been 11 years.) We had a nice, quite day thanks to Dad and Mom Carney keeping the children for us. With the babysitting in mind, we were wondering if it's possible to have an anniversary every month....
Also, this March, John, Jeff's younger brother, was able to come for a final visit before shipping off to Iraq . We had a great visit. John is always a lot of fun and of course, it's great to have family come for a visit. As you think of our family, please be sure to pray for John a

s he'll be deploying in just a few short weeks-sometime mid April. He will be gone for several months and we would appreciate you praying for his safety (physically and likewise spiritually) and also that he would be able to return home to the United States by Christmas time. We are proud of the sacrifice he is willing to make for our country and also our freedoms.
Thank you for your prayers and for your friendship,
The Jeff Carney family
1 comment:
Hurrah! That is a young devil dog doing what he does best.
Get motivated civilians!
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