In our first term of ministry, Jeff was able to help establish a youth fellowship with several local churches. They meet once a month or once every 6 weeks to discuss events and to plan upcoming activities. Typically, there are 5 churches represented and usually Jeff is the only "gringo" present! He has found that many times their idea of planning and our idea of planning is completely different! Nevertheless, each church has an opportunity to plan and host various events throughout the year for the youth in their churches and communities.

This past Saturday, we went to a pueblo named Tahdzibichen, which is located just outside of the city of Merida.
A Yucatecan pastor from the fellowship had planned the event with the purpose of getting the kids from our fellowship excited

about the upcoming camp this July. Although it was hot (very, VERY hot), we played games, sang songs, studied the Bible and of course...had food to eat. We had just under 60 present and the kids seemed to really enjoy their selves.
Jeff encouraged the kids to begin saving for camp and to place

priority on things that matter. While a national pastor encouraged them not to waste the what little resources they have.
It is our prayer that we'll be able to take a good sized group of young people to camp this summer from Merida. Please continue to keep us in your prayers as we aim to reach young people for Christ.
The Jeff Carney Family
Merida, Mexico
Nice projector and computer!
Looks like it is a lot warmer in Mexico than in Kansas!! It has really really been cool a lot longer than we expected. David has not turkey hunted much- he's got too much WORK to do here on the farm!!!!! June Harris
HI Brother Jeff! Hi Ms. Elizabeth!
It's Matt Hackney, from Georgia!
It's so good to see that you guys are doing well!
Torrie and Tyler have gotten so big!
We really miss you guys back home. Actually, I miss you guys here in Tennessee. I'm still in Bible College.
I would really like to e-mail you guys sometime, but I don't have your address. Do you think I can get it some time? You can post it on my blog at www.hack'shangout.blogspot.com.
Anyway, Mom is going to be so mad. I posted here first. Oh, cool. there is a button that says you can e-mail follow ups to my e-mail account.
Well, I can't wait to hear from you.
GOd bless you guys and I'm praying for you!
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