For those of you who were not aware, last year Victoria received God's gift of salvation. She has been asking for some time now to be baptized and after Jeff counseling her on various occasions, this month she was baptized! She was SO EXCITED!

The week before she was to be baptized, it was ALL that she talked about. We are so thankful to be gifted with a little girl who loves God.
We've enclosed several pictures of the baptism service...enjoy them!

Go Tori! We're excited for you.
Uncle Paul and Aunt Jill
Hi, Tori,
Congratulations on your baptism! We also are so excited for you. We were also blessed that our oldest granddaughter, Sarah was also baptized this year, and we were fortunate enough to be able to go and see her be baptized! Praise the LORD!!
Oye, esa foto con todas las personas no es del bautismo de Tori. Ana esta en la foto y ella no viene a la iglesia ahora. Que onda con la honestidad? Ah Beth. Te estoy observando.
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